
Treated by Dr.
Alex LoPinto

Max, a 44-year-old macaw, was brought to VEC when his owners noticed he was less active and experiencing behavioral changes. Upon evaluation, Dr. Alex LoPinto diagnosed Max with cataracts, which were causing cloudy eyes and a significant decrease in vision.

Since there is no effective medical management for cataracts, Dr. LoPinto discussed the option of cataract removal surgery with Max's owners. The procedure required careful planning and coordination with the team at the Center for Avian and Exotic Medicine, who came to the Veterinary Eye Center to administer anesthesia and monitor Max throughout the surgery.


The surgery went smoothly, utilizing the same equipment used for cataract surgery in dogs but with a slightly different procedure tailored for Max. Dr. LoPinto was thrilled with the outcome, as Max woke up from the surgery with the cloudiness in his eyes resolved. Max's vision was restored, and his behavior returned to normal, much to the delight of his family.

Dr. LoPinto expressed his satisfaction with the successful surgery, stating, "I am so happy that we decided to do cataract surgery on Max. It took a bit of coordination and planning, however we were able to get it done. The team from the Center for Avian and Exotic Medicine were essential in providing smooth anesthesia. Max's family was so dedicated to his care and administered all of the necessary medications after surgery. Surgery on these small eyes can be challenging, but it all went well!"

Alex LoPinto
Max in Surgery
Max and Dr. LoPinto Post-Surgery